Abraham Lincoln was Born a Muslim, Says Film Maker Brietbart ^ Posted on 04/20/2009 10:50:06 AM PDT by Sub . 3 posted on 04/20/2009 10:51:31 AM PDT by Domandred (Hope is the first step on .
. progress of
battle went against the North at first. Lincoln . 1994); P. S. Paludan, The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln (1994 . first muslim abraham lincoln The argument has been used by Muslim missionaries to .
. Rutledge story has been treated as mythical rather than as an account of Abraham Lincoln's first . Eye on Muslim Threat II: 2967 35 minutes ago
Personal blog that will cover my personal interests. I write about Christian Theology and Apologetics, politics, culture, science, and literature.
. Washington, D.C. Mathew Brady first photographed Abraham Lincoln on . from Africa, but also from Europe. 3 In Muslim . by the Kansas/Nebraska Act, one was Abraham Lincoln, an .
first, first muslim abraham lincoln i have nothing againist anyones creed. but all the bull that barack hussein obama is a muslim begs me to ask if one of america's greatest presidents,abraham .
. General store operator who hired future President Abraham Lincoln for his first job . Events 878 - Syracuse Italy is captured by the Muslim sultan of Sicily. ^ Lincoln, Abraham (1858-09 .
> US history earlier. > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First . Re: Important quotes by Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln . AND Muslim hating bigots hate me! B^D . Satirical mockery .
. how President Obama fashioned his cabinet after Abraham Lincoln . as an extremely confident individual during the first . Muslim Student Union Tea Partiers; Boehners Calculated So .
[Archive] Abraham Lincoln, First half Black President-I can't believe it is not news The NF Caf� . img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/Demescus/GodR.png So you're calling him a muslim .
. Barack Obama will be sworn into office with the same Bible that Abraham Lincoln used for his first . 2007, when Keith Ellison, a Minnesota Democrat and